Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Methodist College Kuala Lumpur

So, I just had my graduated from MCKL a few days ago, when I say graduated, I mean going for the graduation ceremony, where we had to go up on stage to get the scroll of graduation, actually just a piece of paper (>y<). Well glad to even have a ceremony for pre-u, normally there isn't any.

Honestly, I felt that I had graduated on the last day of my A2 examinations, and the graduation ceremony held at Dream Centre Seksyen 13 pulled me back to the life of MCKL once again that I'm going to dedicate a post to my one and only college ♡

I took up the CIE Alevels course at MCKL, with 4 subjects, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths. It was a tough but fun A-levels journey in MCKL. Would I recommend other students to take up A-levels at MCKL after their SPM? Definitely YES ᕕ༼⌐■-■༽ᕗ

Let's talk about the pros of studying in MCKL!! ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧ ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧
1) Their fees are quite cheap (compared to Sunway/Taylors) and their scholarship is quite easy to get as well. Most my classmates had at least a 25% scholarship in the first semester. The problem is to maintain the scholarship haha See this? *Taken from http://www.mckl.edu.my/admissions/scholarships (˵¯̴͒ꇴ¯̴͒˵)
Full Tuition
A Levels
Australian Matriculation
American Degree Transfer Program (ADTP)
9 A+/A and above
(must include 5A+)
8 A+/A & above6 to 7 A+/A5 A+/A/A-
Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
Diploma in Early Childhood Education (ECE)
8 A+/A/A- & above6 to 7 A+/A/A-5 A+/A/A-3 A+/A/A-
Minimum internal GPA (Maintenance)

Basically to maintain that 3.2 GPA, you'll have to get straight As in each subject.
For 2.7 its around an average B- or C+. 
For 2.2 its all Cs. 
It may sound easy, but for A-levels, you really need to spend those extra hours in the library.
Smalls tests and your diligence in assignments/lab also play a part in maintaining those GPAs, since it takes up a certain % marks for each of your subjects.
A-levels was the part of my life where I seriously took time to study, staying back in the college library 。゚(TヮT)゚。 I miss my secondary school life so much, that carefree life when I didn't need to think of anything much. Well, talking about the library, next point!

2) The environment of the college
It has facilities that all colleges should have i guess, a basketball court, library(with computers), cafeteria, auditorium, computer room, hall with stage, the wright hall (with ping pong and foosball table) What's special about MCKL is the student's attitude and feel. I don't know whats the secret, but MCKL's environment/students really give off the study hard, play hard style. There are various active clubs in the college, and also the always full basketball court and wright hall, but you'll find people studying everywhere on campus as well. Cafeteria and library full of people during exam periods. Maybe its because of the dress code? Yes, MCKL has a dress code!

Dress code:
1) No below knee skirts
2) No sleeveless shirts
3) Trousers must reach the ankle                        
But you can bring shorts/singlets for sports during club activities and so on.
The girls in my class, hmm well most of us'll look like this with the dress code, simple but fun haha There's some MCKL t-shirts in as well

Some people may not like the dress code, but I personally like it as is saves so much time and brain power instead of choosing what to wear every morning. I feel that its a good transition between secondary school life and uni life, a little lesser social pressure from peers.

Jajang~ I'm so proud of our results this year ໒( ♥ ◡ ♥ )७
All thanks to our super dedicated lecturers~
Special thanks to (Physics) Mr. Ben, (Chemistry) Dr. Ing, (Biology) Ms. Angeline, (Maths) Mr. Lee for this one and a half years, some maybe not that long but at least a year it is!
I don't really know about the arts side, but they have pretty decent lecturers for science subjects.

Our post graduation lunch at Sukiya
Mr Ben and Dr Ing are really sporting teachers, they're kind of everywhere when there's school events etc. So you can expect that they really try hard to make their subject and class interesting for us. Mr Ben usually brings us out of class and does some station games with quizzes, Dr Ing usually has some lame joke hidden in her slides haha but it brings the mood up in the class :D

They were also there with us during our graduation ceremony. Even went to lunch with us, see, I told you they're everywhere! haha
Teehee everyone eating happily
Ms In and Mr Ben in the middle, our post makan photo

Next, our Bio teacher Ms Angeline. I love the way Ms Angeline teaches, she may seem strict at first, but when you get to know her style, you find that all her notes are really good. You don't have to worry about reading up anything extra since she most likely has covered everything needed for the exams.

Mr Lee is a typical maths teacher, he writes down note (everything we need to know about the topic) on the whiteboard and what we need to do is just copy and refer to it. He gives out lots of exercises to do, so no worries about not practicing enough.

Well, in conclusion, Most teachers in MCKL are responsible and responsive to our questions, not only these 4, the other lecturers that I've experienced are all quite nice and knows what they're doing, especially for the second and third sem. MCKL usually assigns better lecturers to you during the later semesters, when you need to face your AS and A2.

3) The college song
We have a college song! Nyahaha We don't sing it much actually but we learn it during our orientation and may sing it during some school events. Its really nice to have a song to relate back to the college, and it's often used in the character formation projects. Oh yes! another special thing about MCKL is the compulsory subject "Character formation" and "Service learning".

For Character formation classes, we have to do an assignment where we just choose something to do out there that's crazy, or that all your group members never done before. Some examples, going on the KL tower and sing the MCKL song, go bungee jumping, a group even went to learn how to drive a helicopter and took a photo of our college from the helicopter...
My group went on the challenge of singing while free falling at District 21 ( ╹ਊ╹) ( ╹ਊ╹) It was hilarious, we couldn't really sing while free falling, but it was fun, and most importantly created a bond between us and also taught us about getting out of our comfort zones.
щ(゜ロ゜щ) I can't find my old video, I may post it some other day then haha

Service learning is the class where we're supposed to volunteer in any NGO organisations to learn about voluntarism. It was a great platform to introduce to us the world of charity because the college would look up on organisations where we could go to to volunteer, we chose our organisation from a whole list and were grouped up from there. I went to Rumah Solehah and we were on a mission to spread awareness about HIV.

So, overall, MCKL has been a good experience for me, I think MCKL is special in many ways that they try to build character from the inside out, not only focusing on studies. It was a fulfilling one and a half year for me, and I hope it will be for you too :D

Ok See you next time!
(°∀°)b Joyce


  1. Can I know if you're allowed to wear nail polish or makeup? My friend is attending mckl next year. Thanks in advance for reading and replying!! ❤️

  2. Yes yes it's allowed! 👌
    They only check your clothing 😁

  3. Hey could I ask for any advice through email cause I'm studying in MCKL now and am nervous about my A levels

  4. ay man same here, issokay 1901
    just do past papers u will be good

  5. Heyy, I’m new, starting class next week! I’m still a bit confused with the campus’s “floor plan”, not very sure where my classrooms are! I do know that the alphabets represent the blocks, first number represent the floor and the rest is the number of the room in that floor, BUT I’M NOT SURE WHICH BLOCK IS WHICH😂 Can you please let me know where are the blocks, or where can I find the “floor plan/map” of the campus😂😂 Thanks in advance!!

  6. heyy im wondering if tops that arent exposing cleavage but under the collarbone are allowed. (for example camisoles under cardigans)
